Font Reviews 2024: Butik

Designed by Anna Štepanovská
Distributed by Rosetta Type
Typeface family: 3 widths + 9 weights. 27 static fonts + 1 variable font

This text was originally written in Catalan. The Catalan ce trencada (Ç ç), which literally means ‘broken ce’, can be used before the vowels a, o, u (+ accented derivatives), at the end of a word, or before ‘s’ in plural words (e.g. falçs).
The English version of the review is below.

Quina delícia!
Butik està plena de detalls que em fan que m’agradi tant. A Butik el que veiem és que no es tracta només de donar forma a les lletres, sinó de crear formes plenes de significat i personalitat. Anna Štepanovská combina influències de l’ornamentació manierista, Herb Lubalin i Josef Týfa per dissenyar una família tipogràfica completament nova i moderna. Les formes semi-serifades, com la n i la v i la U, i les prominents trampes de tinta defineixen la seva personalitat. Notareu terminals de bola delicades i traços sortints generosos en els pesos més lleugers, mentre que els pesos més gruixuts veiem contraformes petites i terminals de bola grans. És una tipografia que sap com fer una entrada triomfal. I els extres: Les lligadures decoratives, els traços ornamentals i les alternances ofereixen un potencial creatiu immens.

Com diuen a la presentació de Rosetta, Butik no és només una tipografia; és un autèntic terreny de joc per als dissenyadors.

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Font Reviews 2024: Stringer

Designed by Emily Klaebe
Mastered by Tiny Type Co.
Distributed by Order
Font family: 5 weights. 5 static fonts. Trials available

This font review was written in English and translated into Portuguese (BR—below), with over 230 million native speakers, making it the 8th most spoken language in the world.

If you need a bracketed slab serif with a nostalgic feel, less contrast, and more quirks than the jaw-dropping Ionic Modern from Commercial Type, Stringer may be the perfect fit. Emily’s first commercial release, designed during the Type West program in 2022, and published by Order, is a revival from Ionics of the early 20th century—more precisely Miller & Richard’s Ionic No. 3 at 12-point—in five up-right weights, from Thin to Bold (fingers crossed italics are upcoming).

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Font Reviews 2024: Adapter Georgian

Designed by Ana Sanikidze
Distributed by Rosetta Type
Font family: 2 styles (roman + oblique) and 8 weights. 16 static fonts + 1 variable font

This font review was originally written in French, a language spoken by approximatively 80 million native speakers worldwide. English version of the review below.

Adapter fait partie de la collection Type World, une famille de polices polyvalente intégrant l’arabe, le cyrillique, le grec, l’hébreu, le latin et le tamoul. Ana Sanikidze a été invitée à élargir la famille en créant Adapter Georgian Text, comportant 8 graisses allant de Extra Light à Black, ainsi que leurs italiques correspondantes. Fidèle à la philosophie d’Adapter, l’extension géorgienne offre un équilibre entre authenticité et fonctionnalité: des caractères proportionnels mais rationnels entre romain et italique.

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Font Reviews 2024: Honesta

Designed by Sabrina López
Distributed by Typesenses
Font family: 6 weights, 2 styles (regular and italic) + variable font

This font review was originally written in Spanish, the colonial language of Argentina. Before colonization, the native people used various languages such as toba, pilagá, mocoví, wichí, nivaclé, chorote, tapiete, quichua, tehuelche, mapudungun, guaraní, vilela, chaná, among others.
English translation of the review below.

Sabrina López es una diseñadora especializada en fuentes display, vive y trabaja en Argentina. Inició Typesenses en 2009.

Honesta es una grotesca que se deja seducir por la caligrafía e irrumpe en el catálogo de Typesenses, repleto de tipografías decorativas, display y ligadas. Muestra el rastro de la metodología de trabajo artesanal de Sabrina López, caracterizada por la búsqueda de referentes históricos, el dibujo a mano, mucho papel calco y una gran cantidad de bocetos y borradores a lápiz.

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Font Reviews 2024: NaN Druid

Designed by Anna Khorash & Reymund Schröder
Engineering: NaN Team
Additional Engineering: Igino Marini
Distributed by NaN
Typeface family: NaN Druid Serif (9 weights) + NaN Druid Sans (9 weights). 18 static fonts + 2 variable fonts (weight axis).

This review was originally written in Catalan, a language spoken by 9.2 million worldwide.
The English version of the review is below.

NaN Druid és una crida al teu ull, en la versió serif combina la delicadesa amb l’estètica del brutalisme, cosa que m’agrada molt. El pes més atrevit d’aquesta subfamília és una mica experimental, amb talls asimètrics i detalls angulars, i familiar alhora, perfecte per a projectes que necessiten una certa personalitat, pero sense ser molt cridanera.

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Font Reviews 2024: LiebeHeide Fineliner

Designed by Ulrike Rausch
Available at I Love Typography, Fontstand, Fontspring, Creative Market
Font family: 5 weights. 5 static fonts + 1 variable font. The superfamily includes the color font LiebeHeide.

This font review was originally written in Spanish, the official language of 20 countries. English translation below.

Ulrike Rausch es una diseñadora especializada en fuentes de escritura manual que destacan por su autenticidad, logrando que realmente parezcan escritas a mano. Reside y trabaja en Berlín, Alemania, y ha coescrito los libros Making Fonts y Designing Fonts junto a Chris Campe. Su trayectoria en el mundo de la tipografía la ha llevado a colaborar con gigantes como Monotype, Jung von Matt, Adobe, Erik Spiekermann, Google y Apple, consolidándose como una referencia en la industria.

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Font Reviews 2024: Yumex

Designed by DualType
Distributed by OhNo Type Co.
Font family: 2 subfamilies (Yumex + Yumex Script), 2 styles (roman + oblique), and 7 weights. 21 static fonts + 2 variable fonts

This font review was originally written in Spanish, the second most spoken native language in the world. English version of the review below.

La tipografía Yumex de DualType (Zrinka Buljubašić + Gen Ramirez) publicada por OhNo Type Co es uno de los proyectos más llamativos de 2024, a mi criterio. Destaca por su versatilidad y personalidad; que se nutre del legado Yu-Mex dando como resultado un proyecto meticuloso y sumamente bien ejecutado.

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Font Reviews 2024: Sharf

Designed by Barbara Bigosińska
Distributed by Blast
Font family: 8 weights, 2 styles, and 2 sub-families. 32 static fonts + 2 variable fonts

This font review was originally written in Galician, the official language of Galicia, which has been spoken for over 2000 years and is now used by more than 2 million people. English translation below.

Sharf ve a luz en 2021 dende a incubadora de Future Fonts. Aquela versión 0.1 contaba xa con unha fonte variable, que permitía navegar o espazo de deseño entre os distintos pesos da tipografía. Nace con dous tamaños ópticos, cunha clara intencionalidade de uso en deseño editorial.

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