Alphabettes Variety Show: Today!

In the Before Times, back when we used to ✌️travel to conferences✌️ and ✌️sit in darkened and aggressively air-conditioned auditoriums✌️, The Alphabettes Variety Show could be found drumming up trouble in the basement of 41 Cooper Square, New York, NY. With the TypeLab at Typographics in its second year as a free, online, 72-hour smorgasbord of talks, workshops, and presentations, it’s time for Alphabettes to emerge from its shell.

Alphabettes lettering illustrated as cicadas

The Alphabettes Variety Show buzzes back to life with live chatter, brooding guests, and some noisy fun TODAY, June 18, 16:00–17:00 ET (the TypeLab site will magically tell you the correct time wherever you are). Tune in via the TypeLab Americas YouTube Livestream or get loud with us and register for TypeLab to join the Zoom call.

Cicadalphabettes illustration by the buzzworthy Laura Serra. Typeface family is Faune by Alice Savoie / Cnap.